Thursday, February 03, 2005
On the way home from school the other day, my sweet wife and son #1
were having a serious conversation. He said, “Ya know mom, I’ve
finally figured out how to treat girls.” My sweet wife listened
intently for a groundbreaking revelation. He said, “You treat ‘em
just like everyone else...”
Hmm... I think he thought too much about that one!
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
Dear Marty,
Ouch. It appears that the figures which I just couldn`t accept are
apparently true. I am, to say the least, astounded. I certainly
harbor no ideas that medical treatment in the US is supperior (I`ve
exprienced my share of ineptness in the doctor`s office), but I
just could comprehend the figure of 120,000 as being anything close
to accurate. ... ... I find myself guilty of something I personally
preach; check your figures before you pass them on. ... In addition,
I would like to offer my deepest apologies if I
offended you personally. It wasn`t my intention. Thank you for
responding to my comments in a gentlemanly fashion!
[No need for deep apologies, I wasn’t offended in any way. Although
after re-reading my post, it may have looked like it. But I wasn’t.
And, as far as responding in a gentlemanly fashion, I commend your
response as well... Thanks! Marty]
Ok, Marty. All stats aside, isn't the idea of this ezine to be
humor? And shouldn't we take it all with a grain of salt? Why
should we get flamed or inflamed over any of it. Read it and
laugh, or read it and delete. Ain't it simple?
~Linda B.
[You must have older children... You sound like my wise #1 mom!]
Marty, LOL! I can't believe anyone actually questioned you on the
Doctors/Guns/Lawyers joke! ... Geez, someone needs to take a doggy
Todd C. - Card Carrying Life Member of the NRA
I'm not sure if your stats are correct... ...I suggest you take a
look at the definition [of iatrogenic] in the dictionary and then
[When you] Google iatrogenic there were 326,000 hits. Read the 1st
dozen or so. I usually check absurdities out on one of the rumor
sites, I had gotten both the "Hanoi Jane Fonda" & the
"Microsoft/AOL/Bill Gates/$1000 rebate" in this mornings e-mail for
the umpteenth time.
I certainly see the humor in the post about guns & Dr's but I do
see where people might be offended.
I really enjoy your posts, the jokes and the family anecdotes
Norman O.
Good rebuttal, Marty! Way to stand firm. "...too absurdly
erroneous to be acceptable in a joke"?!?!?!? That line in itself
is a joke. Since when does a joke have to contain fact? Holy cow,
people! Remember that this is a joke list and an equal-opportunity
offender. Any similarities to truth is purely coincidental. I have
seen that joke now about three or four times in the ten or so years
I have had an email address, and I have yet to hear those numbers
quoted as statistics in some NRA or gun rights rally. Hmmm...
Incidentally, the next time I feel sick or break my arm, I am for
sure going to buy a gun instead of visit the doctor. Doctors just
aren't safe.
Justin H.
First: Get the flame suit on again! Im a card carring member of the
NRA and I don't know a soul that would call me evel! Then again I
don't know all that meny others and no one else in the NRA!
Second : I hope you did not shake that poor boy band member too
badly! You know how fragel those boy band members are? Keep up the
good work!
~Don W.
[Thanks Don. At first I had no idea what you were talking about,
about the boy band. Then Sandra sent me this...]
How did you shake one of them? In the air above your head or just
Sandra H.
[I still didn’t know what you guys were talking about, so I sent
her this:]
[Shake one of what?]
[Sorry, was up kinda late last night. (Grin)]
You said you shook them instead of maybe saying you shook their
hand. Just having fun with your sleepy head.:)
Sandra H.
[D’oh! I meant I shook his HAND, not him! So much for proof reading
at midnight! And for those of you who know who I’m talking about,
it was Kirby I shook hands with. Wany my autograph?]
You shook an actor? Isn't that assault? Was that you I saw on the
news? Is that why you're famous?
Justin H.
[Famous? Pa-Shaw... I’m so famous, yesterday in the elevator I met
an elderly lady who I worked with at the state 4 years ago. She
said, “Oh, yeah, I thought you looked familiar. What was your first
name again?” *sigh* I guess I made a big impression when I worked