1/12 - Nuns and Nazis
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Last Saturday, play practice started for the play son #2, my sweet
wife and I are in. But, we were up in Randolph so we didn’t go to
that one. Tonight was our first practice. They’re just practicing
songs this week, and doing it in shifts. (Heir Zeller doesn’t sing
–darn- so I didn’t have to go tonight.) The kids in the play went
from 6-8PM, and the adults who sing went from 8-9:30. When my
sweet wife was getting ready to go, son #1 asked her where she was
going. “I’m going to rehearsal at the church.” she said. “Is dad
going?” he replied. “No,” she said, “It’s just practice for the
Nuns.” “What’s dad?” he said. “He’s a Nazi, and Nuns and Nazis
don’t mix.” Son #4 who was listening in said, “What about me mom?
I’m not a Nazi, can I go?”
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
p.s. We’re doing a campout with the Scouts tomorrow night. Brr...

Reader Comment Section:
When you announced the results of Jimmy's scan, I heard more than
5000 sighs of relief all over the world.
Love, Mom
I just wanted to take the time to let you know how much I
appreciate your e-mails... Cherish every moment with your children
b/c those moments go by too quickly.. I'm so happy that your #4
son had such a good report from his MRI… I think so often of your
son and pray just as often for his recovery.. I have also been
praying for you and your entire family in regards to your son, his
well being and all the hospital visits, etc. etc. Right now, I'm
in jubilation, along with all of you, that he has passed the MRI
testing, is home with you and able to enjoy his family.. God is
good! Thanks for taking the time to send these family antics and
jokes our way -- They make our day!
Sincerely -- Cathy M~

Thursday, January 12, 2006
Last Saturday, play practice started for the play son #2, my sweet
wife and I are in. But, we were up in Randolph so we didn’t go to
that one. Tonight was our first practice. They’re just practicing
songs this week, and doing it in shifts. (Heir Zeller doesn’t sing
–darn- so I didn’t have to go tonight.) The kids in the play went
from 6-8PM, and the adults who sing went from 8-9:30. When my
sweet wife was getting ready to go, son #1 asked her where she was
going. “I’m going to rehearsal at the church.” she said. “Is dad
going?” he replied. “No,” she said, “It’s just practice for the
Nuns.” “What’s dad?” he said. “He’s a Nazi, and Nuns and Nazis
don’t mix.” Son #4 who was listening in said, “What about me mom?
I’m not a Nazi, can I go?”
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
p.s. We’re doing a campout with the Scouts tomorrow night. Brr...

Reader Comment Section:
When you announced the results of Jimmy's scan, I heard more than
5000 sighs of relief all over the world.
Love, Mom
I just wanted to take the time to let you know how much I
appreciate your e-mails... Cherish every moment with your children
b/c those moments go by too quickly.. I'm so happy that your #4
son had such a good report from his MRI… I think so often of your
son and pray just as often for his recovery.. I have also been
praying for you and your entire family in regards to your son, his
well being and all the hospital visits, etc. etc. Right now, I'm
in jubilation, along with all of you, that he has passed the MRI
testing, is home with you and able to enjoy his family.. God is
good! Thanks for taking the time to send these family antics and
jokes our way -- They make our day!
Sincerely -- Cathy M~

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