1/11 - Stacks of School work for School
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Boy, some of the stuff you have to fill out for school now days.
My sweet wife and I got a packet of papers to fill out before son
#4 starts school. They want to know everything. Not only his
immunizations, but when he hopped on one foot 3 times, when he
first turned his head left, when he first turned his head right.
There were papers for his primary care pediatrician to fill out,
and even his dentist. (Good thing Grandma is a dental hygienist
and he’s had his teeth cleaned on schedule! Son #4 should be able
to start a few days after we hand this huge stack of paperwork
back to the school. The interesting part is going to see how my
sweet wife acts when she has 7 more hours of kid-free day to use
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
Hi Marty, This is the first time I've been on-line for a while.
Just wanted to tell you that I've been praying for your family and
know that God in his infinite wisdom has a plan for everything....
My #1 son broke his arm when he was 6. After the arm was healed
and the cast removed, we left the doctor's office. He pouted and
brooded all the way home. When my husband and I asked him what was
wrong and basically had to pull his wisdom teeth to finally get
him to answer (not really, but I'm sure you know what I mean) it
turned out that he was angry because they didn't give him his
cast. So, my wonderful husband turned the car around, went back to
the doctor's office and got his cast for him. He's 30 and married
now, but I'm sure that he still has that souvenir stored in a safe
~ Paula M.
Hey Marty, Great JOTD today--good jokes, and even better advice! I
appreciate your taking care of us.
James G. in California
So glad for the good report. We'll be praying that each one will
be as good. Keep up the good work.
~Linda B.
Marty, I am so thrilled for you and your wonderful family. Praise
God!!! Thank you for keeping us posted on your life, even when
you are going through difficulties. I don't always have time
to read the jokes, but I always read to see how your family is
doing. Y'all are in my prayers and will continue to stay there.
~Becky S.
Marty, Praise God! I am so glad to hear that the scans were
clean! Son #4, along with you and the rest of your family, are in
my prayers.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Boy, some of the stuff you have to fill out for school now days.
My sweet wife and I got a packet of papers to fill out before son
#4 starts school. They want to know everything. Not only his
immunizations, but when he hopped on one foot 3 times, when he
first turned his head left, when he first turned his head right.
There were papers for his primary care pediatrician to fill out,
and even his dentist. (Good thing Grandma is a dental hygienist
and he’s had his teeth cleaned on schedule! Son #4 should be able
to start a few days after we hand this huge stack of paperwork
back to the school. The interesting part is going to see how my
sweet wife acts when she has 7 more hours of kid-free day to use
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
Hi Marty, This is the first time I've been on-line for a while.
Just wanted to tell you that I've been praying for your family and
know that God in his infinite wisdom has a plan for everything....
My #1 son broke his arm when he was 6. After the arm was healed
and the cast removed, we left the doctor's office. He pouted and
brooded all the way home. When my husband and I asked him what was
wrong and basically had to pull his wisdom teeth to finally get
him to answer (not really, but I'm sure you know what I mean) it
turned out that he was angry because they didn't give him his
cast. So, my wonderful husband turned the car around, went back to
the doctor's office and got his cast for him. He's 30 and married
now, but I'm sure that he still has that souvenir stored in a safe
~ Paula M.
Hey Marty, Great JOTD today--good jokes, and even better advice! I
appreciate your taking care of us.
James G. in California
So glad for the good report. We'll be praying that each one will
be as good. Keep up the good work.
~Linda B.
Marty, I am so thrilled for you and your wonderful family. Praise
God!!! Thank you for keeping us posted on your life, even when
you are going through difficulties. I don't always have time
to read the jokes, but I always read to see how your family is
doing. Y'all are in my prayers and will continue to stay there.
~Becky S.
Marty, Praise God! I am so glad to hear that the scans were
clean! Son #4, along with you and the rest of your family, are in
my prayers.

At 6:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
So happy to hear "Clear Scans!"
Enjoy regular life...!
Kristin, Genna's mom
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