1/4 - Dead Skin in the paper
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Today son #3 got to go to the doctor to change the 2 week old cast
on his broken arm. He was hoping for a blue cast, but they still
didn’t have any blue stuff to put on, so he settled for a new
white cast again. She said the cast wasn’t in as bad of shape that
she thought, but son #3 said his arm was hurting so she wanted to
check it our anyway. Son #3 is a saver. He loves to save
everything. (Maybe like his grandpa??) So, you guessed it, he
saved his old cast. “Here dad! Come look at my cast!” I was a
little stinky on the inside, but he assured me that, “it’s not
even black inside.” Oh, joy. I really wanted to think about an old
broken arm cast that’s dead rotten skin inside.

(No, not #3's broken arm.
Just a pic I found on the net)
Remember the other day when I told you that a reporter from the
newspaper came for dinner? (And brought dinner too!) She was doing
a story about pediatric brain tumors and son #4. Well she called
me the other day and said it should be in tomorrow’s paper. Then
she said she had a few more questions about son #4, then said,
“Oh, and did I read correct in the paper that your father just
died?” “Yeah” I said. So now I hope the article doesn’t make us
look like we feel really dumped upon. Because, things could be a
whole lot worse then they are...
Anyway, keep smiling!
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
Yawn... Anyone out there?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Today son #3 got to go to the doctor to change the 2 week old cast
on his broken arm. He was hoping for a blue cast, but they still
didn’t have any blue stuff to put on, so he settled for a new
white cast again. She said the cast wasn’t in as bad of shape that
she thought, but son #3 said his arm was hurting so she wanted to
check it our anyway. Son #3 is a saver. He loves to save
everything. (Maybe like his grandpa??) So, you guessed it, he
saved his old cast. “Here dad! Come look at my cast!” I was a
little stinky on the inside, but he assured me that, “it’s not
even black inside.” Oh, joy. I really wanted to think about an old
broken arm cast that’s dead rotten skin inside.

(No, not #3's broken arm.
Just a pic I found on the net)
Remember the other day when I told you that a reporter from the
newspaper came for dinner? (And brought dinner too!) She was doing
a story about pediatric brain tumors and son #4. Well she called
me the other day and said it should be in tomorrow’s paper. Then
she said she had a few more questions about son #4, then said,
“Oh, and did I read correct in the paper that your father just
died?” “Yeah” I said. So now I hope the article doesn’t make us
look like we feel really dumped upon. Because, things could be a
whole lot worse then they are...
Anyway, keep smiling!
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
Yawn... Anyone out there?

At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
You think saving a plaster cast is bad? That's nothing -- even my otherwise neat-freakish brother saved his when he was a kid. But when my husband was a kid, he slammed his finger in the car door. When his fingernail fell off, his mother saved it. For more than 30 years!! Blech!
Although I've written you many times before, I think I'll sign this anonymously... Just to be on the safe side! LOL :-)
Take care!
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