1/9 - Jackknives and Jitters
Monday, January 09, 2006
This weekend we trekked up to Randolph again for another 4 hour
round trip to clean dad’s house. We cleaned for 8 straight hours
and finally got the dining room mostly cleaned up. We found homes
for all 11 hunting dogs, but are still looking to get rid of 2
horses. (Anyone?) We planned on staying over night, but all took a
vote late Saturday and decided to head back home. Then we ended up
waiting an hour on the interstate as a tow truck pulled off a
semi-truck that had jackknifed across both lanes of traffic. It
was a long snowy Saturday.
My sweet wife noticed something peculiar tonight. My #1 sister
always gives the boys underwear for Christmas. I don’t know why,
she just does. My sweet wife noticed that son #3 had been wearing
his new underwear every day. Then she realized that she hasn’t
washed any in quite awhile. She asked him where his underwear was.
He opened his drawer and showed her the underwear. Apparently he’d
been rotating them.
Well, it’s better than not rotating them!
Tomorrow is son #4 first Post-op MRI. We’re getting a little
nervous, but I think things will go well. Wish us luck!
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:

Monday, January 09, 2006
This weekend we trekked up to Randolph again for another 4 hour
round trip to clean dad’s house. We cleaned for 8 straight hours
and finally got the dining room mostly cleaned up. We found homes
for all 11 hunting dogs, but are still looking to get rid of 2
horses. (Anyone?) We planned on staying over night, but all took a
vote late Saturday and decided to head back home. Then we ended up
waiting an hour on the interstate as a tow truck pulled off a
semi-truck that had jackknifed across both lanes of traffic. It
was a long snowy Saturday.
My sweet wife noticed something peculiar tonight. My #1 sister
always gives the boys underwear for Christmas. I don’t know why,
she just does. My sweet wife noticed that son #3 had been wearing
his new underwear every day. Then she realized that she hasn’t
washed any in quite awhile. She asked him where his underwear was.
He opened his drawer and showed her the underwear. Apparently he’d
been rotating them.
Well, it’s better than not rotating them!
Tomorrow is son #4 first Post-op MRI. We’re getting a little
nervous, but I think things will go well. Wish us luck!
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:

At 3:32 AM,
Kathy said…
Your rotating underwear story could have applied to either of my boys, I could see them reasoning that they liked the new underwear and didn't want to wear it out prematurely by too much washing.
Praying that Jimmy's MRI went well.
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