2/8 - Waiting for that bloody bus
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
While my sweet wife ran to school to pick up son #1 today, son #2
called her and “freaked out” on the phone because son #4 had a
nose bleed. Son #2 was really worried about it and told my sweet
wife to hurry home as fast as she could. When she got home, she
took care of everything.
Last year we signed our other 3 boys up for Super Sibs. It’s a
group that helps siblings of kids who have cancer, so they don’t
feel left out. Anyway, they sent son #2 a book called Drums,
Girls, and Dangerous Pie. It’s a story about a typical
8th grader whose 4 year old brother has a nose bleed, and it
turns out to be leukemia.
So, I guess we’re still just a little jittery here...
On the lighter side, son #4 has been asking my sweet wife to drive
him to school every day. She was worried that he was starting not
to like school, and wanted her with him all day long. After she
talked to him today, she found out the truth. It turns out that
after he gets dressed in the morning and eats breakfast, he runs
to the window to look for the school bus/van. If it isn’t there,
he just wants a quicker way to school. Apparently he’s too
impatient to wait.
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006
While my sweet wife ran to school to pick up son #1 today, son #2
called her and “freaked out” on the phone because son #4 had a
nose bleed. Son #2 was really worried about it and told my sweet
wife to hurry home as fast as she could. When she got home, she
took care of everything.
Last year we signed our other 3 boys up for Super Sibs. It’s a
group that helps siblings of kids who have cancer, so they don’t
feel left out. Anyway, they sent son #2 a book called Drums,
Girls, and Dangerous Pie. It’s a story about a typical
8th grader whose 4 year old brother has a nose bleed, and it
turns out to be leukemia.
So, I guess we’re still just a little jittery here...
On the lighter side, son #4 has been asking my sweet wife to drive
him to school every day. She was worried that he was starting not
to like school, and wanted her with him all day long. After she
talked to him today, she found out the truth. It turns out that
after he gets dressed in the morning and eats breakfast, he runs
to the window to look for the school bus/van. If it isn’t there,
he just wants a quicker way to school. Apparently he’s too
impatient to wait.
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
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