2/6 - Super (old) Stones
Monday, February 06, 2006
We had a great time watching the Super Bowl on Sunday. I made a
‘bet’ with one of my 12 year old Scouts of a candy bar. (I told
him, “I want a big fat one-pounder if I win!”) It was a little
discouraging when my boys gave me a hard time after I won. “Dad,
you’re not supposed to bet! Gambling is wrong...” Sheez, who
raised these little boys anyway?
It was funny during the half time show, I had to explain to my
boys who the Rolling Stones were, and that they were once (still?)
a really popular band. I don’t think they believed me. Then I told
them what Keith Richards was famous for. Then they saw how old the
stones were. Every time 62 year old Mick would wiggle his hips,
son #1 would laugh and say, “LOOk! there, he did it again! That’s
so funny!” Then son #2 said, “I’ll be he’s wearing a lot of make
up!” I said, “Why?” He laughed and said, “To cover up all of his
liver spots!” I think they need someone half way in between Janet
Jackson and Mick Jagger. Maybe the Mo-Tabs? Ha... I don’t think

You’ve got to admit, Mick did look a little dated. So, tell me,
who would you pick if you could have anyone for the Super Bowl
half time?
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
p.s. Speaking of jokes, we've got a couple extra in our email version today.
Reader Comment Section:
All Quiet today...

Monday, February 06, 2006
We had a great time watching the Super Bowl on Sunday. I made a
‘bet’ with one of my 12 year old Scouts of a candy bar. (I told
him, “I want a big fat one-pounder if I win!”) It was a little
discouraging when my boys gave me a hard time after I won. “Dad,
you’re not supposed to bet! Gambling is wrong...” Sheez, who
raised these little boys anyway?
It was funny during the half time show, I had to explain to my
boys who the Rolling Stones were, and that they were once (still?)
a really popular band. I don’t think they believed me. Then I told
them what Keith Richards was famous for. Then they saw how old the
stones were. Every time 62 year old Mick would wiggle his hips,
son #1 would laugh and say, “LOOk! there, he did it again! That’s
so funny!” Then son #2 said, “I’ll be he’s wearing a lot of make
up!” I said, “Why?” He laughed and said, “To cover up all of his
liver spots!” I think they need someone half way in between Janet
Jackson and Mick Jagger. Maybe the Mo-Tabs? Ha... I don’t think

You’ve got to admit, Mick did look a little dated. So, tell me,
who would you pick if you could have anyone for the Super Bowl
half time?
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
p.s. Speaking of jokes, we've got a couple extra in our email version today.
Reader Comment Section:
All Quiet today...

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