2/2 - Frozen Hair Lines
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Tonight is the first day of “real” play practice. All the rest of
was just that silly singing stuff. Of course, I don’t have a singing
part, so we practiced lines tonight. Heir Zeller has a pretty small
part, but I don’t mind. My sweet wife doesn’t have any speaking
parts either, but lots of singing. When son #2 and I walked out of
the door, he looked at my 4 single sheets of copied paper, looked at
his 1/2 inch think bound notebook that my sweet wife made for him,
and he laughed and laughed. “I got more lines then you do!” Humpf...
yeah, but I get to watch more of the play then you do, naaner
naaner. And, I don’t have to memorize as many. See, I can look on
the bright side of things.
It appears that son #4’s hair is coming back in places. There’s
still a huge chunk that’s hasn’t grown anything yet, but some of it
has a tiny little bit of peach fuzz. Yipee!
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!

Reader Comment Section:
>"Tomorrow it's son #4's Antarctica trip. They're `flying' there
>and spending a lot of time outside looking for penguins. Next week
>they get to go swimming."
Are you serious?
~Sandra H.
[Um, no. It was pretend day (Grin)]

Thursday, February 02, 2006
Tonight is the first day of “real” play practice. All the rest of
was just that silly singing stuff. Of course, I don’t have a singing
part, so we practiced lines tonight. Heir Zeller has a pretty small
part, but I don’t mind. My sweet wife doesn’t have any speaking
parts either, but lots of singing. When son #2 and I walked out of
the door, he looked at my 4 single sheets of copied paper, looked at
his 1/2 inch think bound notebook that my sweet wife made for him,
and he laughed and laughed. “I got more lines then you do!” Humpf...
yeah, but I get to watch more of the play then you do, naaner
naaner. And, I don’t have to memorize as many. See, I can look on
the bright side of things.
It appears that son #4’s hair is coming back in places. There’s
still a huge chunk that’s hasn’t grown anything yet, but some of it
has a tiny little bit of peach fuzz. Yipee!
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!

Reader Comment Section:
>"Tomorrow it's son #4's Antarctica trip. They're `flying' there
>and spending a lot of time outside looking for penguins. Next week
>they get to go swimming."
Are you serious?
~Sandra H.
[Um, no. It was pretend day (Grin)]

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