1/17 - Eye Eye Cap't!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Son #4 had another eye appointment today. We’ve got some good
news. On his bad, “blind” eye, they said that he was able to see
20/400 today. So maybe those optic nerves are starting to come
back a little. Either that or he’s memorized the pictures that
they project on the wall...
They wanted to make sure that he was actually seeing in that eye,
so the tested him a couple of times. But, after awhile I guess he
got tired of it because my sweet wife said he said, “Ok, now let’s
try the other eye...”
The next eye appointment is in 3 months. That’s the same time
he’ll get his next MRI to scan to look for any more tumor. Our
schedule is to go every 3 months for the first year, then every 4
months for the second year. We didn’t ask what happens after
Oh yeah, and he got his glasses this weekend. I'll have to snap
a picture as soon as I find batteries for the camera!
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!

Reader Comment Section:
So now, here's what you do with those drums...
You put your old phonograph/stereo/tape players and all your old
records and tapes down there next to the drums, along with a nice
set of headphones, and the kids have an automatic, self-directed
way to learn how to play drums, and perhaps even other
instruments, without the expense, trouble, or time of music
lessons. Set it all up in a good-looking, organized way. Take it
from a music teacher of 35 years...the kids I know who play the
most relaxed and natural have learned this way. And furthermore,
they get an automatic education in the best pop music ever---from
the 50s to the 80s, instead of the crap they are forced to hear
today. ...your kids'll always be down there, and you won't have to
worry about where they are. The records, which they will play
along with, will naturally teach them how to play and sing.
They'll naturally go outside and do other things (like beat the
crap out of each other) as they grow up, but they'll always be
down there with their friends, learning to play, hearing good
music, and giving you a reason to go down there occasionally and
listen to the old records.
~Jeff G, Pittsburgh, PA
[Good ideas!]

Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Son #4 had another eye appointment today. We’ve got some good
news. On his bad, “blind” eye, they said that he was able to see
20/400 today. So maybe those optic nerves are starting to come
back a little. Either that or he’s memorized the pictures that
they project on the wall...
They wanted to make sure that he was actually seeing in that eye,
so the tested him a couple of times. But, after awhile I guess he
got tired of it because my sweet wife said he said, “Ok, now let’s
try the other eye...”
The next eye appointment is in 3 months. That’s the same time
he’ll get his next MRI to scan to look for any more tumor. Our
schedule is to go every 3 months for the first year, then every 4
months for the second year. We didn’t ask what happens after
Oh yeah, and he got his glasses this weekend. I'll have to snap
a picture as soon as I find batteries for the camera!
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!

Reader Comment Section:
So now, here's what you do with those drums...
You put your old phonograph/stereo/tape players and all your old
records and tapes down there next to the drums, along with a nice
set of headphones, and the kids have an automatic, self-directed
way to learn how to play drums, and perhaps even other
instruments, without the expense, trouble, or time of music
lessons. Set it all up in a good-looking, organized way. Take it
from a music teacher of 35 years...the kids I know who play the
most relaxed and natural have learned this way. And furthermore,
they get an automatic education in the best pop music ever---from
the 50s to the 80s, instead of the crap they are forced to hear
today. ...your kids'll always be down there, and you won't have to
worry about where they are. The records, which they will play
along with, will naturally teach them how to play and sing.
They'll naturally go outside and do other things (like beat the
crap out of each other) as they grow up, but they'll always be
down there with their friends, learning to play, hearing good
music, and giving you a reason to go down there occasionally and
listen to the old records.
~Jeff G, Pittsburgh, PA
[Good ideas!]

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