2/22 - Photo Blog Day
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
First, I want to tell you I’ve found an unorthodox way of getting
my children to bed at an early hour. “HEY!” I yelled at them while
walking in the computer room about 8:45 tonight. They were all
playing one sort of game system or another. “None of you are
supposed to be playing games. Your rooms aren’t clean!” (Oh, so
what good is grounding them from games if they all sneak down to
play anyway? I need to find a better way to police this.) “Ok, all
of you, turn off the computers and MARCH to your rooms and CLEAN
for 20 minutes. Now!”
Funny, by 9PM they were all in bed saying they were tired. Maybe I
should get them to ‘clean’ their rooms more often.
Second, I’ve been thinking of Jim in Indiana’s comment today.
>Hey Marty, Would you like some cheese with that wine? What black
>eye? I could see it with my magnifying glass. Otherwise that's
>just a 'love pat'.
>Love your stories,
>jim in Indiana
Yeah, well, it might not have looked ~that~ big, but I thought it
was big enough. (grin). Then I thought about getting a better
picture of me (son #1 took the shaky one on the blog) and having my
sweet wife doctor it up in Photoshop (she’s a master photoshopper!)
to give me a proper black eye. But I couldn’t find a good enough
picture. I went through the hundreds of pictures we’ve got, and
thought, “Hey, I bet everyone would like to see that one, oh, and
that one too.” There are tons of cool pictures for you. So, I put
a dozen or so pictures of us up on the blog site with some
Count today as a photo blog.
( http://www.martysjotd.blogspot.com )
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:

This is when it all started. Way back when
We were both pretty good looking back then 'eh?

Sons #1 and #2 Selling Popcorn one spring

This is one of my favorite pictures. We spent
my sweet wife's birthday getting her dolled
up for this series of pictures. Va Va Voom!

In contrast, this is my sweet wife before she
tries to eat the children. She'll tell you it
was a self photograph for a college class.
Yup, right honey...

This was a Saturday when Grandpa drove his horse
two hours down to my house, just so my boys could
ride for a few minutes

This is my #1 mom reading to my boys

Son #4, My sweet wife and her "little" brother
on prom night

Brother-in-law taking a picture of son #4.
So, that wasn't so bad. I've got hundreds of them if you want to see more.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006
First, I want to tell you I’ve found an unorthodox way of getting
my children to bed at an early hour. “HEY!” I yelled at them while
walking in the computer room about 8:45 tonight. They were all
playing one sort of game system or another. “None of you are
supposed to be playing games. Your rooms aren’t clean!” (Oh, so
what good is grounding them from games if they all sneak down to
play anyway? I need to find a better way to police this.) “Ok, all
of you, turn off the computers and MARCH to your rooms and CLEAN
for 20 minutes. Now!”
Funny, by 9PM they were all in bed saying they were tired. Maybe I
should get them to ‘clean’ their rooms more often.
Second, I’ve been thinking of Jim in Indiana’s comment today.
>Hey Marty, Would you like some cheese with that wine? What black
>eye? I could see it with my magnifying glass. Otherwise that's
>just a 'love pat'.
>Love your stories,
>jim in Indiana
Yeah, well, it might not have looked ~that~ big, but I thought it
was big enough. (grin). Then I thought about getting a better
picture of me (son #1 took the shaky one on the blog) and having my
sweet wife doctor it up in Photoshop (she’s a master photoshopper!)
to give me a proper black eye. But I couldn’t find a good enough
picture. I went through the hundreds of pictures we’ve got, and
thought, “Hey, I bet everyone would like to see that one, oh, and
that one too.” There are tons of cool pictures for you. So, I put
a dozen or so pictures of us up on the blog site with some
Count today as a photo blog.
( http://www.martysjotd.blogspot.com )
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:

This is when it all started. Way back when
We were both pretty good looking back then 'eh?

Sons #1 and #2 Selling Popcorn one spring

This is one of my favorite pictures. We spent
my sweet wife's birthday getting her dolled
up for this series of pictures. Va Va Voom!

In contrast, this is my sweet wife before she
tries to eat the children. She'll tell you it
was a self photograph for a college class.
Yup, right honey...

This was a Saturday when Grandpa drove his horse
two hours down to my house, just so my boys could
ride for a few minutes

This is my #1 mom reading to my boys

Son #4, My sweet wife and her "little" brother
on prom night

Brother-in-law taking a picture of son #4.
So, that wasn't so bad. I've got hundreds of them if you want to see more.

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