2/13 - Where's Randolph?
February 13, 2006
On my way home from work my sweet wife asked me to stop and get
some valentines for son #2 for tomorrow. While I was at the store
I called and confirmed with him that I was getting the right ones.
When I got home, my sweet wife said that son #2 had asked her to
make 4 more big “special” valentines. “Oh, and who are these for?”
she asked him. “Just some friends” he replied. She pressed
further, “So, are they for boys or for girls?” “Just some friends
mom.” Was his reply. Like any mom, my sweet wife zeroed right in.
“Ok, are they at least cute girls?” I think he turned beat red at
being ‘found out’.
*sigh* Not two of ‘em at the same time. I keep telling myself,
“They tell me girls are worse, they tell me girls are worse...”
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
p.s. We went to see Chicken Little tonight at the dollar theater
for family night. An interesting movie, but it was a little
intense for son #4 in the middle. He laid his head down on me and
covered his eyes at one point. Other than that, it was great.
However, I was a little disappointed at the very end. Usually we
stay until the credits are over to catch the little ‘extras’ that
they always have. Well, most always. Nothing but credits this
time. Darn.
p.p.s. This weekend we trekked another 4 hour round trip up to my
dad’s house in Randolph for more cleaning. (It was my 6th trip
since Christmas day.) The talk of the town was that their town of
340 voters made the national news for voting 95% for our President
in 2004. It was the highest percentage in the country. That sure
beats their previous claim to fame as always being the coldest
spot in Utah, and often the coldest spot in the country.
Reader Comment Section:
Hi Marty! Just want to tell you about a fabulous book I just read
called "Marley and Me": Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog,
by John Grogan. I laughed and cried and recognized my own little
guy on every page! Grogan writes a lot like you do, and makes
common everyday things into hilarious stories. I think you and
your family would enjoy it.
[I’ll have to borrow it. I’m too cheap to pay $16 on eBay! (grin)]
Maybe we should have a new kids book like the ' Where's Waldo' but
substitute Justin's name. He seems to be among the missing.

[Good observation Wanda, where IS that boy?]

February 13, 2006
On my way home from work my sweet wife asked me to stop and get
some valentines for son #2 for tomorrow. While I was at the store
I called and confirmed with him that I was getting the right ones.
When I got home, my sweet wife said that son #2 had asked her to
make 4 more big “special” valentines. “Oh, and who are these for?”
she asked him. “Just some friends” he replied. She pressed
further, “So, are they for boys or for girls?” “Just some friends
mom.” Was his reply. Like any mom, my sweet wife zeroed right in.
“Ok, are they at least cute girls?” I think he turned beat red at
being ‘found out’.
*sigh* Not two of ‘em at the same time. I keep telling myself,
“They tell me girls are worse, they tell me girls are worse...”
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
p.s. We went to see Chicken Little tonight at the dollar theater
for family night. An interesting movie, but it was a little
intense for son #4 in the middle. He laid his head down on me and
covered his eyes at one point. Other than that, it was great.
However, I was a little disappointed at the very end. Usually we
stay until the credits are over to catch the little ‘extras’ that
they always have. Well, most always. Nothing but credits this
time. Darn.
p.p.s. This weekend we trekked another 4 hour round trip up to my
dad’s house in Randolph for more cleaning. (It was my 6th trip
since Christmas day.) The talk of the town was that their town of
340 voters made the national news for voting 95% for our President
in 2004. It was the highest percentage in the country. That sure
beats their previous claim to fame as always being the coldest
spot in Utah, and often the coldest spot in the country.
Reader Comment Section:
Hi Marty! Just want to tell you about a fabulous book I just read
called "Marley and Me": Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog,
by John Grogan. I laughed and cried and recognized my own little
guy on every page! Grogan writes a lot like you do, and makes
common everyday things into hilarious stories. I think you and
your family would enjoy it.
[I’ll have to borrow it. I’m too cheap to pay $16 on eBay! (grin)]
Maybe we should have a new kids book like the ' Where's Waldo' but
substitute Justin's name. He seems to be among the missing.

[Good observation Wanda, where IS that boy?]

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