12/05 - YahooGroups Problems and Stuff
First - Big problems. It appears that my yahoogroups account has been deactivated.
Does anyone know how to get to someone who can help?
I guess it's just the blog site until I can figure 'er out.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Lots and lots of stuff going on this weekend. Son #4 finished his
radiation treatments on Friday. Finally. We went for Pizza as
planned and took a bunch of pictures of the cake and the gang, but my
computer motherboard took a dive, (My computer crashed) so I don’t have
anyway to upload the pictures yet. I think the
drive is still fine. [knock on wood] New parts were ordered this
morning, so maybe by the end of the week we’ll have pictures... So
I’m doing tonight’s issue on a different computer. Let’s see how
things turn out.
Saturday night the local Make-a-Wish foundation invited us to
“Cookies with Santa” party. We made little crafts, ate cookies, and
the little ones saw Santa. Ok, the big ones did too. I think son #1
really enjoyed his time there too; He met a girl from school whose
little sister had CF. They sat and talked the whole night. My
little boy; Son #1, all grow’n up so big. I was once a teenager
too. I watched those two like a hawk!
At the party there was a newspaper photographer there who took a
bunch of pics of our kids. Son #4 made it into the local paper!
(See below) Son #1 was a little disappointed. “Hey, they took my
picture, why didn’t they use it!?” The best comment I heard about
his picture in the paper; “His smile is as big as his hat!” The
worst; “That’s funny, it make it sound like he really does have a
life threatening disease.” Grr... I guess some people either don’t
get it, or have a pretty tactless sense of humor.
So, here’s something good that happened today. Out of 350-400
employees at my office, guess who got the “Employee of the month”
for December? Yup, me! It comes with 2 movie passes, $25 for
dinner, a cool certificate to put on the wall, and best of all, my
own parking place! Now it’s only going to cost me $50 to pay off
the committee chairperson. (grin)
And something funny; Son #4 came walking up the stairs yesterday.
“Dad, I grounded [son #1] forever.” I said, “Why did you do that?”
He replied, “Because he was playing on the computer, and won’t let
me play with the joystick.” I smiled and said, “Oh, and how were
you able to ground him? What authority do you have over him?” He
looked at me like he didn’t understand. I continued, “Are you older
than him?” He shook his head ‘no’. “Are you bigger than him?” ‘no’
I continued, “Are you his daddy?” ‘no’ “Do you have Priesthood
authority over him?” ‘no’. So I said to him, “How can you ground
him? What power do you have?” He thought for a second, smiled and
said, “Super Hero Power!” I smiled at him and said I didn’t think
that worked with older brothers.
I think he’s been listening to his song again.
We got a couple of surprises in the post office box today. Conn W.
sent a WAY cool hat from South Africa. Very colorful and warm. It’s
got thick soft spikes on the top of it and a South African flag on
the front. I also took pics of that tonight. We had the extended
family making traditional Christmas candy for family night, but
again, no computer to get them out of the camera. We also got a
very nice Christmas card from Douglas S. A really cool guy that we
‘met’ on-line. He’s got a cute daughter with the same type of tumor
son #4 had.
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
p.s. Here’s the caption in the newspaper with son #4’s picture (The
pic is on the blog site)
Cookies and fun

[Marty’s Son #4, age] 4, gets a temporary tattoo from volunteer
Megan C. at the Make-A-Wish "Cookies with Santa" Christmas party
Saturday at A Wishing Place in Murray. Children came dressed in
their pajamas for cookies with Santa, crafts and a short movie. As
a brain-tumor patient, [son #4] is one of the children with a life-
threatening medical condition who are served by Make-A-Wish
p.p.s. Oh, and one last thing. Son #2 and I are going to try out
for a church play this weekend. It’s “The Music Man” and they’re
holding it downtown at a 20,000 seat conference center. (That’s
what I heard anyway.) More later.
Reader Comment Section:
Hi Marty
Your comment on having to "despoil" Son #4 made me laugh and think
about my son. He is only 7 months old, but a little manipulator
already :) Recently we had to go back to a kidney specialist for a
whole new round of tests and one of the nurses had to take blood
before the test. He was a little sleepy at the time, so the whole
thing was a huge disaster, with screaming and kicking and the whole
works, even tho he is pretty used to the whole thing. Anyways, in
between pokes, the female nurse picked him up to comfort him and
when she did he laid his big ole head down on her shoulder, wrapped
his chubby little arms around her neck and gave a big
snuggle..........the nurse almost melted into a puddle :) Then he
looked up at her with big crocodile tears in his eyes and smiled,
like "hee hee hee" He was all sweet and charming, then when he
realized that all the smiles and snuggles in the world weren’t
going to make him not have any more tests done, he let lose a reign
of terror :) The nurse couldn’t believe it :) Whoever said babies
have no idea whats going on or that they cant manipulate has met my
son :)
~Amanda P.
A friend of mine was checking her son's math homework and one of
the questions said: How can you make $15.55 with 2 bills and 3
coins? His answer: DO CHORES. Then when she told him the answer was
a $10 bill, a $5 bill, 2 quarters and a nickel, he said, " Mom,
that isn't what the question asked. It says, 'HOW CAN YOU make
$15.55?' I don't have a job so I do CHORES. DUH, MOM!!!!
~Todd H.

Does anyone know how to get to someone who can help?
I guess it's just the blog site until I can figure 'er out.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Lots and lots of stuff going on this weekend. Son #4 finished his
radiation treatments on Friday. Finally. We went for Pizza as
planned and took a bunch of pictures of the cake and the gang, but my
computer motherboard took a dive, (My computer crashed) so I don’t have
anyway to upload the pictures yet. I think the
drive is still fine. [knock on wood] New parts were ordered this
morning, so maybe by the end of the week we’ll have pictures... So
I’m doing tonight’s issue on a different computer. Let’s see how
things turn out.
Saturday night the local Make-a-Wish foundation invited us to
“Cookies with Santa” party. We made little crafts, ate cookies, and
the little ones saw Santa. Ok, the big ones did too. I think son #1
really enjoyed his time there too; He met a girl from school whose
little sister had CF. They sat and talked the whole night. My
little boy; Son #1, all grow’n up so big. I was once a teenager
too. I watched those two like a hawk!
At the party there was a newspaper photographer there who took a
bunch of pics of our kids. Son #4 made it into the local paper!
(See below) Son #1 was a little disappointed. “Hey, they took my
picture, why didn’t they use it!?” The best comment I heard about
his picture in the paper; “His smile is as big as his hat!” The
worst; “That’s funny, it make it sound like he really does have a
life threatening disease.” Grr... I guess some people either don’t
get it, or have a pretty tactless sense of humor.
So, here’s something good that happened today. Out of 350-400
employees at my office, guess who got the “Employee of the month”
for December? Yup, me! It comes with 2 movie passes, $25 for
dinner, a cool certificate to put on the wall, and best of all, my
own parking place! Now it’s only going to cost me $50 to pay off
the committee chairperson. (grin)
And something funny; Son #4 came walking up the stairs yesterday.
“Dad, I grounded [son #1] forever.” I said, “Why did you do that?”
He replied, “Because he was playing on the computer, and won’t let
me play with the joystick.” I smiled and said, “Oh, and how were
you able to ground him? What authority do you have over him?” He
looked at me like he didn’t understand. I continued, “Are you older
than him?” He shook his head ‘no’. “Are you bigger than him?” ‘no’
I continued, “Are you his daddy?” ‘no’ “Do you have Priesthood
authority over him?” ‘no’. So I said to him, “How can you ground
him? What power do you have?” He thought for a second, smiled and
said, “Super Hero Power!” I smiled at him and said I didn’t think
that worked with older brothers.
I think he’s been listening to his song again.
We got a couple of surprises in the post office box today. Conn W.
sent a WAY cool hat from South Africa. Very colorful and warm. It’s
got thick soft spikes on the top of it and a South African flag on
the front. I also took pics of that tonight. We had the extended
family making traditional Christmas candy for family night, but
again, no computer to get them out of the camera. We also got a
very nice Christmas card from Douglas S. A really cool guy that we
‘met’ on-line. He’s got a cute daughter with the same type of tumor
son #4 had.
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
p.s. Here’s the caption in the newspaper with son #4’s picture (The
pic is on the blog site)
Cookies and fun

[Marty’s Son #4, age] 4, gets a temporary tattoo from volunteer
Megan C. at the Make-A-Wish "Cookies with Santa" Christmas party
Saturday at A Wishing Place in Murray. Children came dressed in
their pajamas for cookies with Santa, crafts and a short movie. As
a brain-tumor patient, [son #4] is one of the children with a life-
threatening medical condition who are served by Make-A-Wish
p.p.s. Oh, and one last thing. Son #2 and I are going to try out
for a church play this weekend. It’s “The Music Man” and they’re
holding it downtown at a 20,000 seat conference center. (That’s
what I heard anyway.) More later.
Reader Comment Section:
Hi Marty
Your comment on having to "despoil" Son #4 made me laugh and think
about my son. He is only 7 months old, but a little manipulator
already :) Recently we had to go back to a kidney specialist for a
whole new round of tests and one of the nurses had to take blood
before the test. He was a little sleepy at the time, so the whole
thing was a huge disaster, with screaming and kicking and the whole
works, even tho he is pretty used to the whole thing. Anyways, in
between pokes, the female nurse picked him up to comfort him and
when she did he laid his big ole head down on her shoulder, wrapped
his chubby little arms around her neck and gave a big
snuggle..........the nurse almost melted into a puddle :) Then he
looked up at her with big crocodile tears in his eyes and smiled,
like "hee hee hee" He was all sweet and charming, then when he
realized that all the smiles and snuggles in the world weren’t
going to make him not have any more tests done, he let lose a reign
of terror :) The nurse couldn’t believe it :) Whoever said babies
have no idea whats going on or that they cant manipulate has met my
son :)
~Amanda P.
A friend of mine was checking her son's math homework and one of
the questions said: How can you make $15.55 with 2 bills and 3
coins? His answer: DO CHORES. Then when she told him the answer was
a $10 bill, a $5 bill, 2 quarters and a nickel, he said, " Mom,
that isn't what the question asked. It says, 'HOW CAN YOU make
$15.55?' I don't have a job so I do CHORES. DUH, MOM!!!!
~Todd H.

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