12/7 - Rants Raves and Pearls
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Wow, I just noticed that it’s Pearl Harbor day. It’s the 54th
anniversary of the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor. I didn’t hear
anything about it on the radio, in conversation today, or in the
newspaper. Not that I looked or listened intently about it, but I
guess it’s just not a big deal anymore. In 50 years, on the 54th
anniversary of 9-11-01, I wonder what people will be thinking about
the attacks that day.
Just rambling. Not much going on with any of the boys. Thankfully
son #4 doesn’t have any doctors’ appointments until January 10th,
for his first post-op MRI. We’ll be praying for a clean scan then!
I’ve got a yearly physical on December 20th though. Do you know how
hard it is to lose those extra couple of pounds you gained since
last year’s examination? Especially during the holidays? No, I mean
especially during the Christmas season? (Sorry, caught myself being
PC there...)
I’m still doing this issue on a different computer. ½ of my
computer parts for the broken computer arrived today, and the other
half should be here tomorrow. Let’s see if I remember how to put a
computer together. (~AND~ make it work)
Let’s see, what else is going on? At just over a year in my current
computer guy position, I’ll be taking the on-call duty for the
whole state on Thursday night. That should be interesting. I think
they’re going to put me in the regular rotation starting next month
anyway, so this will be good practice.
Oh, and one last thing... I’ve had the blogspot site going for just
over a year. It looks like in the next day or two one of the next
130 visitors (as of this writing) to the blog site will be our
lucky 10,000th visitor. Yipee. Wouldn’t that be cool if we could
give out $10,000 to our lucky visitor? Yeah, right. If money grew
on trees, then we wouldn’t have to worry about that 10,000 penny
per kid budget for Christmas. Like we ever keep that one!
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
Hey Marty, Thanks for publishing that story. It is for real. On
your 'Worlds Thinnest Books' how about either "Performance
Enhancing Drugs I have NOT Tried" OR "Media People Who Love Barry
Bonds". Or Tales of Compassion from the life of Barry Bonds" All of
course by Barry Bonds.
~Todd H.
There is a growing trend in America to remove "Christmas" from
holiday advertising... ...Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Gail F.
[Thanks Gail! Gail sent an interesting email to sign a petition.
(You can find it on-line if you’re interested) Did you know that
Target stores didn’t use the word “Christmas” in any media, print,
or in-store advertisements for this years “Holliday Season”? A
little too PC in my opinion. But that’s just my opinion. I’m sure
you have your own. Here’s a couple of links.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Wow, I just noticed that it’s Pearl Harbor day. It’s the 54th
anniversary of the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor. I didn’t hear
anything about it on the radio, in conversation today, or in the
newspaper. Not that I looked or listened intently about it, but I
guess it’s just not a big deal anymore. In 50 years, on the 54th
anniversary of 9-11-01, I wonder what people will be thinking about
the attacks that day.
Just rambling. Not much going on with any of the boys. Thankfully
son #4 doesn’t have any doctors’ appointments until January 10th,
for his first post-op MRI. We’ll be praying for a clean scan then!
I’ve got a yearly physical on December 20th though. Do you know how
hard it is to lose those extra couple of pounds you gained since
last year’s examination? Especially during the holidays? No, I mean
especially during the Christmas season? (Sorry, caught myself being
PC there...)
I’m still doing this issue on a different computer. ½ of my
computer parts for the broken computer arrived today, and the other
half should be here tomorrow. Let’s see if I remember how to put a
computer together. (~AND~ make it work)
Let’s see, what else is going on? At just over a year in my current
computer guy position, I’ll be taking the on-call duty for the
whole state on Thursday night. That should be interesting. I think
they’re going to put me in the regular rotation starting next month
anyway, so this will be good practice.
Oh, and one last thing... I’ve had the blogspot site going for just
over a year. It looks like in the next day or two one of the next
130 visitors (as of this writing) to the blog site will be our
lucky 10,000th visitor. Yipee. Wouldn’t that be cool if we could
give out $10,000 to our lucky visitor? Yeah, right. If money grew
on trees, then we wouldn’t have to worry about that 10,000 penny
per kid budget for Christmas. Like we ever keep that one!
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
Hey Marty, Thanks for publishing that story. It is for real. On
your 'Worlds Thinnest Books' how about either "Performance
Enhancing Drugs I have NOT Tried" OR "Media People Who Love Barry
Bonds". Or Tales of Compassion from the life of Barry Bonds" All of
course by Barry Bonds.
~Todd H.
There is a growing trend in America to remove "Christmas" from
holiday advertising... ...Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Gail F.
[Thanks Gail! Gail sent an interesting email to sign a petition.
(You can find it on-line if you’re interested) Did you know that
Target stores didn’t use the word “Christmas” in any media, print,
or in-store advertisements for this years “Holliday Season”? A
little too PC in my opinion. But that’s just my opinion. I’m sure
you have your own. Here’s a couple of links.

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