Radish Rash or out of luck?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004
I thought I was going to be lucky tonight, but it turns out, I
think I just ate something bad.
I came home tonight and was scratching my chest and neck. I didn’t
think anything about it, but my sweet wife came up to me and
started unbuttoning my shirt. (hubba hubba) I started to give her a
little hug and she pushed me away and kept at my buttons. (huh?)
She took my shirt off and said, “Oh, man. Does that hurt?”
I said, “No, just itches like crazy.” Seems I ate something I’m
allergic to, and broke out in a huge rash. Maybe it was those
radishes I had last night. We’ll just keep an eye on it.
Time will tell.
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
p.s. Ok, and just to increase my chances... I told my sweet wife
I’d tell you about her latest adventure. If you check out the blog
side of the JOTD, you saw a picture of son #4 that my sweet wife
painted. Well, she’s decided to do “Pop Art” of other people’s
pictures. She’ll take a photo and make a painting out of it. You’ll
see what I mean by clicking on her auction. She’s so awesome!
Copy and paste this link:
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and get mentioned on the JOTD!
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