3/21 - Random thoughts
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I was really excited to go skiing up at Park City with Son #4 and
his class today. But, Murphy’s Law kicked in, and he came down
with some nasty gomboo. High fever, sore throat, cough, runny
nose, and the runs. Son #1 went to the instacare on Saturday with
the same stuff, and they said it was probably a virus. Now son #3
and #4 have it. I’m sure the rest of us aren’t far behind.
But, since I had the day scheduled off anyway, I thought I’d spend
the time doing my own taxes. Then, at noon I had a mediocre lunch
at the elementary school with sons #2 and #3. The company was
great, but the food wasn’t. It wasn’t what I remembered when I was
in elementary school. Of course, the lunch lady and I were good
friends back then...
Not much else happened today. Although the youth of our church
went downtown to a homeless shelter tonight. We had a game night
with the kids who were there. It was a pretty good experience for
most everyone. And an eye opener for some of our kids.
And, last but not least; my sweet wife is in a contest with other
artists on ebay, trying to sell art collector cards with this
week’s them, “Its not easy being green” She’s trying to get as
many bidders as she can to win. You can check out her at here.
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
Marty: Since you have inherited your Fathers gun collection and
are a hunter, and Scouter, please be advised that there is (was?)
a Merit Badge for both Black Powder and Rifle and Shot Gun in Boy
Scouts... ...No matter what, working on the Merit Badges will
teach “Gun Safety”. Worth a try.
John C.
(Former BSA Troop226,
Golden Empire Council
Sacramento, CA)
[Yup, they still have rifle shooting and shot gun shooting merit
badges. Something to look into!]
Marty, It is so neat that you take the time in your busy life to
put on pictures and stories on your website. Keep up the good
Love Mom G...
~#1 Mother-in-law...
[Thanks Mom!]

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I was really excited to go skiing up at Park City with Son #4 and
his class today. But, Murphy’s Law kicked in, and he came down
with some nasty gomboo. High fever, sore throat, cough, runny
nose, and the runs. Son #1 went to the instacare on Saturday with
the same stuff, and they said it was probably a virus. Now son #3
and #4 have it. I’m sure the rest of us aren’t far behind.
But, since I had the day scheduled off anyway, I thought I’d spend
the time doing my own taxes. Then, at noon I had a mediocre lunch
at the elementary school with sons #2 and #3. The company was
great, but the food wasn’t. It wasn’t what I remembered when I was
in elementary school. Of course, the lunch lady and I were good
friends back then...
Not much else happened today. Although the youth of our church
went downtown to a homeless shelter tonight. We had a game night
with the kids who were there. It was a pretty good experience for
most everyone. And an eye opener for some of our kids.
And, last but not least; my sweet wife is in a contest with other
artists on ebay, trying to sell art collector cards with this
week’s them, “Its not easy being green” She’s trying to get as
many bidders as she can to win. You can check out her at here.
For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
Marty: Since you have inherited your Fathers gun collection and
are a hunter, and Scouter, please be advised that there is (was?)
a Merit Badge for both Black Powder and Rifle and Shot Gun in Boy
Scouts... ...No matter what, working on the Merit Badges will
teach “Gun Safety”. Worth a try.
John C.
(Former BSA Troop226,
Golden Empire Council
Sacramento, CA)
[Yup, they still have rifle shooting and shot gun shooting merit
badges. Something to look into!]
Marty, It is so neat that you take the time in your busy life to
put on pictures and stories on your website. Keep up the good
Love Mom G...
~#1 Mother-in-law...
[Thanks Mom!]

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