3/13 - Back on the ski slopes again...
Monday, March 13, 2006
Ok, as you might have noticed, I took a week off. Things are starting to get extremely stressful dealing with my dad’s estate. Like 6 years worth of back taxes, property maintenance, a filthy home that’s two-hours drive away, and family in different states that are also stressed. I won’t bore you with all of the details, but suffice it to say, it’s not been a pretty week.
On the other hand, I have lots of stories to tell. That is if I can remember them. Not only did son #4 go skiing last week, but he’s going skiing a total of 4 or 5 more times! They go to Park City and have a one-on-one instructor teach these little kids can ski.
When they were picking out skis, son #4 was talking to the ski tech. She asked him a question and he said, “Oh, I’m blind” The tech looked at him with wide eyes and said, “Oh no sweetheart, you’re not blind. You’re visually handicapped.” Then she said very slow, “Can you say that? V-i-s-u-a-l-l-y H-a-n-d-i-c-a-p-p-e-d.” My sweet wife laughed at her and said, “Please, he’s only 4.” She said she thought about telling her what to do with her politically correct mumbo jumbo, but decided to hold her tongue.

When he got his equipment, he picked up his two little skis and tried to use them as a gun. (See picture on the blogsite. (Along with some other pictures.) He kept pointing the skis at my sweet wife and said, “Bang!” She said he looked so cute in his hat that a reader from South Africa sent him!
When they got on the slopes, Son #4 loved it! The class was only on there for about 90 minutes, but he went up and down the lift 4 times, while the rest of the class only made it down once or twice. At the end he finally said, “My legs need a rest!” Anyway, he had a great time.
I think I’ll take a day off of work and go up with him next week.

For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
To Justin, Sister, and Entire Family of Greg Gourley; As an
American, and Viet Nam veteran, I salute Staff Sgt. Gregson Glenn
Gourley and his service to defend our nation. Please express my
sympathy and gratitude to his family. May our merciful Lord
comfort them in their grief and provide for every need.
James D. A.
Reading these articles makes my heart ache. I'd like to offer my
condolences to Justin and his family, particularly his sister and
the children. This is, and will be, so hard on them all. May God
bless and watch over them.
It is one thing when Justin disappeared but now Mary is among the
missing!!! Where is Marty????
~Wanda D.
I hope all is well with you and your family. I'm missing your
stories and jokes. Hope you come back soon! :o)
I just sent an email from your blog. I have been missing your
emails and I went to checked at yahoogroups and nothing has been
sent since last Thursday. Then I went to the blog to see if
something was there if there was a problem with yahoogroups like
some time ago. But, nothing new there either. How are you and your
family? I hope you are all well. Please let us know. I am a bit
worried and I would think that others are also.
Kathy G.
Dear Marty,
I am extremely concerned that something really bad has happened.
Please let us know how we can pray for you & your family.
Sincerely, ~Anne R.
[Thank you to the 4 of you who wrote in asking about me]

Monday, March 13, 2006
Ok, as you might have noticed, I took a week off. Things are starting to get extremely stressful dealing with my dad’s estate. Like 6 years worth of back taxes, property maintenance, a filthy home that’s two-hours drive away, and family in different states that are also stressed. I won’t bore you with all of the details, but suffice it to say, it’s not been a pretty week.
On the other hand, I have lots of stories to tell. That is if I can remember them. Not only did son #4 go skiing last week, but he’s going skiing a total of 4 or 5 more times! They go to Park City and have a one-on-one instructor teach these little kids can ski.
When they were picking out skis, son #4 was talking to the ski tech. She asked him a question and he said, “Oh, I’m blind” The tech looked at him with wide eyes and said, “Oh no sweetheart, you’re not blind. You’re visually handicapped.” Then she said very slow, “Can you say that? V-i-s-u-a-l-l-y H-a-n-d-i-c-a-p-p-e-d.” My sweet wife laughed at her and said, “Please, he’s only 4.” She said she thought about telling her what to do with her politically correct mumbo jumbo, but decided to hold her tongue.

When he got his equipment, he picked up his two little skis and tried to use them as a gun. (See picture on the blogsite. (Along with some other pictures.) He kept pointing the skis at my sweet wife and said, “Bang!” She said he looked so cute in his hat that a reader from South Africa sent him!
When they got on the slopes, Son #4 loved it! The class was only on there for about 90 minutes, but he went up and down the lift 4 times, while the rest of the class only made it down once or twice. At the end he finally said, “My legs need a rest!” Anyway, he had a great time.
I think I’ll take a day off of work and go up with him next week.

For those of you who get this as email...
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment Section:
To Justin, Sister, and Entire Family of Greg Gourley; As an
American, and Viet Nam veteran, I salute Staff Sgt. Gregson Glenn
Gourley and his service to defend our nation. Please express my
sympathy and gratitude to his family. May our merciful Lord
comfort them in their grief and provide for every need.
James D. A.
Reading these articles makes my heart ache. I'd like to offer my
condolences to Justin and his family, particularly his sister and
the children. This is, and will be, so hard on them all. May God
bless and watch over them.
It is one thing when Justin disappeared but now Mary is among the
missing!!! Where is Marty????
~Wanda D.
I hope all is well with you and your family. I'm missing your
stories and jokes. Hope you come back soon! :o)
I just sent an email from your blog. I have been missing your
emails and I went to checked at yahoogroups and nothing has been
sent since last Thursday. Then I went to the blog to see if
something was there if there was a problem with yahoogroups like
some time ago. But, nothing new there either. How are you and your
family? I hope you are all well. Please let us know. I am a bit
worried and I would think that others are also.
Kathy G.
Dear Marty,
I am extremely concerned that something really bad has happened.
Please let us know how we can pray for you & your family.
Sincerely, ~Anne R.
[Thank you to the 4 of you who wrote in asking about me]

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