5/23 - More stuff to do than time to do it
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The big Memorial Day weekend approaches. I had big plans to go
camping with the family, but it looks like the plans are slowly
fading. We were leaving Friday after we picked up the boys, and
staying out until Monday night. But, we were offered 6 free
tickets through Candlelighters (Childhood cancer program) for
Thoroughly Modern Millie at Hale Centre Theatre Friday. Then we
were offered Pirates of the Caribbean III tickets on Saturday
morning from Make-a-Wish, and then the baseball game with the ward
was moved from Monday night to Monday afternoon because of the
Jazz game. (Humpf. We’re down 0-2. I’m thinking we need a miracle
against the Spurs...)
Anyway, the boys seemed more interested in going to ‘stuff’ than camping, so we’ll just play it by ear.
Enjoy Today’s Jokes!
Here's some pictures of our MG that's for sale (with son #4 in the pics too!)

Giga Ball (I think I want one of these)
My partner and I were in our police car when we were dispatched to
break up a domestic dispute. We spoke with the couple, and the
problem was quickly resolved. On leaving, I was admiring the
craftsmanship of their turn-of-the-century home and reached for
what I thought was the front door. Realizing my mistake, I was
turning away in embarrassment when I heard my partner say, "If you
have any more problems, we'll be in your closet."
~Wanda D.
While visiting my son on his Army base, I chatted with a colleague
of his. "What rank are you?" I asked. "I'm relieved to say that
I've just been promoted from captain to major." "Relieved? Why?"
"Because," he replied, "my last name is Hook."
Like a typical teenager, my fifteen-year-old son dreaded our
family vacation at a seaside cottage in the middle of Boring
Nowhere. But his eyes brightened when I said, "Did I tell you
we'll be buying lobsters from Pamela Anderson? We'll even bike to
her house to pick them up." Then his face grew dark as the
horrible truth dawned: "There's more than one Pamela Anderson,
isn't there?"
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The big Memorial Day weekend approaches. I had big plans to go
camping with the family, but it looks like the plans are slowly
fading. We were leaving Friday after we picked up the boys, and
staying out until Monday night. But, we were offered 6 free
tickets through Candlelighters (Childhood cancer program) for
Thoroughly Modern Millie at Hale Centre Theatre Friday. Then we
were offered Pirates of the Caribbean III tickets on Saturday
morning from Make-a-Wish, and then the baseball game with the ward
was moved from Monday night to Monday afternoon because of the
Jazz game. (Humpf. We’re down 0-2. I’m thinking we need a miracle
against the Spurs...)
Anyway, the boys seemed more interested in going to ‘stuff’ than camping, so we’ll just play it by ear.
Enjoy Today’s Jokes!
Here's some pictures of our MG that's for sale (with son #4 in the pics too!)

Giga Ball (I think I want one of these)
My partner and I were in our police car when we were dispatched to
break up a domestic dispute. We spoke with the couple, and the
problem was quickly resolved. On leaving, I was admiring the
craftsmanship of their turn-of-the-century home and reached for
what I thought was the front door. Realizing my mistake, I was
turning away in embarrassment when I heard my partner say, "If you
have any more problems, we'll be in your closet."
~Wanda D.
While visiting my son on his Army base, I chatted with a colleague
of his. "What rank are you?" I asked. "I'm relieved to say that
I've just been promoted from captain to major." "Relieved? Why?"
"Because," he replied, "my last name is Hook."
Like a typical teenager, my fifteen-year-old son dreaded our
family vacation at a seaside cottage in the middle of Boring
Nowhere. But his eyes brightened when I said, "Did I tell you
we'll be buying lobsters from Pamela Anderson? We'll even bike to
her house to pick them up." Then his face grew dark as the
horrible truth dawned: "There's more than one Pamela Anderson,
isn't there?"
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