4/18 - Log oh what?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The sun, moon, and stars all lined up tonight. No Scouts, Relief
Society meetings, or school. After dinner I asked, “do we have
anything to do tonight?” Everyone said, “No!” It doesn’t happen
that often on a Wednesday night, so we decided to watch a move we
had rented; “Akeelah and the Bee”. It’s about a girl in a poor
neighborhood in LA who goes to the Scripts Spelling Bee.
There were a lot of impressive words in there, but the second to
last spelling word of the movie really got my boys rolling on the
floor. “Logorrhea.” (pronounced Log-Oh-Ree-ah) They thought that
was the funniest thing in the world. “That kid looked like he was
about to have a logorrhea dad!” They laughed and laughed on that
Then again, if you look at the word, it really is kinda funny.
“logo” can mean voice, words, or to know. “rrhea” as in diarrhea,
means... well, we all know what it means. Logorrhea literally
means “excessive flow of words”. So, I guess my boys really did
know what they were laughing at.
Enjoy Today’s Jokes!
p.s. Ok, that was kind of lame. But, it took up a bit of space.
Here’s another funny; at dinner tonight we had meatloaf with baked
potatoes. When son #4 bit into his potato, he said, “That’s hot!”
I quickly said, “Yo Momma...” paused for just a second, and
thought, ‘sure’ and finished my thought saying, “Yo Momma’s hot!”
and looked over to my sweet wife to wink. Son #4 looked at me as
if to roll his eyes and said, “Yeah, dad. ~that~ was a good one.”
I don’t think my sweet wife liked that comment.
Reader Comment section
Tooth fairy stuff. Six kids and I couldn't even get it right for
the first one. I ended up telling her there was no tooth fairy, it
was me (man did that break her heart…) but what we ended up doing
turned out to be pretty cool and we continued on until there just
weren't any more teeth to lose. We would make it a game to see if
I could sneek / switch the tooth for the money without them
catching me. I never did get caught. Before that, sometimes it
would take the tooth fairy up to a week to get to our house. After
that, at bed time she/they would remind me to try to sneek in.
Turned out to be pretty neat, actually.
Thanks for letting me share. Thanks for sharing your adventures
and being such a good example, going back to college!...
Today’s Videos
Look at that! A YouTuber’s hamsters breaks his speed record and
can not slow down any more!!!
Guy can blow perfect underwater bubble circles – for more than a
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The sun, moon, and stars all lined up tonight. No Scouts, Relief
Society meetings, or school. After dinner I asked, “do we have
anything to do tonight?” Everyone said, “No!” It doesn’t happen
that often on a Wednesday night, so we decided to watch a move we
had rented; “Akeelah and the Bee”. It’s about a girl in a poor
neighborhood in LA who goes to the Scripts Spelling Bee.
There were a lot of impressive words in there, but the second to
last spelling word of the movie really got my boys rolling on the
floor. “Logorrhea.” (pronounced Log-Oh-Ree-ah) They thought that
was the funniest thing in the world. “That kid looked like he was
about to have a logorrhea dad!” They laughed and laughed on that
Then again, if you look at the word, it really is kinda funny.
“logo” can mean voice, words, or to know. “rrhea” as in diarrhea,
means... well, we all know what it means. Logorrhea literally
means “excessive flow of words”. So, I guess my boys really did
know what they were laughing at.
Enjoy Today’s Jokes!
p.s. Ok, that was kind of lame. But, it took up a bit of space.
Here’s another funny; at dinner tonight we had meatloaf with baked
potatoes. When son #4 bit into his potato, he said, “That’s hot!”
I quickly said, “Yo Momma...” paused for just a second, and
thought, ‘sure’ and finished my thought saying, “Yo Momma’s hot!”
and looked over to my sweet wife to wink. Son #4 looked at me as
if to roll his eyes and said, “Yeah, dad. ~that~ was a good one.”
I don’t think my sweet wife liked that comment.
Reader Comment section
Tooth fairy stuff. Six kids and I couldn't even get it right for
the first one. I ended up telling her there was no tooth fairy, it
was me (man did that break her heart…) but what we ended up doing
turned out to be pretty cool and we continued on until there just
weren't any more teeth to lose. We would make it a game to see if
I could sneek / switch the tooth for the money without them
catching me. I never did get caught. Before that, sometimes it
would take the tooth fairy up to a week to get to our house. After
that, at bed time she/they would remind me to try to sneek in.
Turned out to be pretty neat, actually.
Thanks for letting me share. Thanks for sharing your adventures
and being such a good example, going back to college!...
Today’s Videos
Look at that! A YouTuber’s hamsters breaks his speed record and
can not slow down any more!!!
Guy can blow perfect underwater bubble circles – for more than a
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