7/31 - Bear doing the Conga
Monday, July 31, 2006
There was nothing too exciting this weekend. Son #1 came home from
summer camp Saturday afternoon. They went up to Jackson Hole and
rafted down the river several times. He didn’t say too much about
it, other than he had a lot of fun. On Sunday, his leader said,
“Oh, did son #1 tell you about the grizzly bear we saw in our
camp?” Um, no.
Guess some things aren’t as impressive to a young teen.
Tonight for family night we played the game “Conga”. On one of our
brain tumor message boards, a lady said one company had given her
“way too much stuff” and wanted to give away some of it. So she
sent the game Conga to us.

Conga is a guessing game. You draw a card and come up with a word
or number. (IE: How many times a day do you laugh?) All of the
others try to guess the word or number before the timer goes off.
There are 4 different ways of letting others know what word you’ve
chosen. If it’s a number, you tell them higher or lower after each
guess. If you write down a word, depending on the card you draw,
you give the first letter of the word, act out the word, or create
the object with play-dough.
Son #4 and my sweet wife were on a team together. The question on
their card was, “What is something you’re glad you don’t have to
eat.” They had to sculpt it out with clay. Son #4 whispered
something into my sweet wife’s ear, and she said, “What??” he said
it again, and she said, “Ok... I guess...”
My sweet wife started rolling out small pickle sized objects, and
putting them on the table. After several wrong answers were
blurted out, son #1 guessed, “Crap!” my sweet wife raised her
hands and said, “YES! You guessed it, we get points!”
Son #4 looked at her and said, “No mom! I said cra-BUH not crap! I
said I’m glad I don’t have to eat crab!”
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment sections
Hey Marty,
I saw "Pirates" last weekend with my husband, we were previewing
it to see if our 5 year old can see it in the theater (we decided
no). Anyway, I understood what was being said, and got all the
little things my hubby didn't, as he hasn't seen our DVD of the
first movie for some time. Yes, there will be a third movie, it's
being filmed now, from what I understand. We can beat the theater
you went to. We live near a small town, whose movies just
expanded to 7 screens. You pay $4 to get in, kid or adult. They
have the big screens, stadium seating, and the previews are only
for 1 or 2 movies that are coming. Now what's funny to us, the
stadium seating theater has only 5 or 6 rows to it. Up close and
personal to the movie. They pop their own popcorn there too,
where you can see it done.
Jen B. – Ohio
[Wow, do you have your own remote control too?]
Thanks a lot! The next time you're going to spoil the end of a
movie for us, give us a warning first ; ) Anyway, it was still an
awesome movie! Did you stay through all the credits to watch the
final scene?
Justin's favorite sister in AZ
[No, tell me what happens!]
I was an air-traffic controller stationed at Selfridge Air
National Guard Base in Michigan. One morning we picked up a
Montana National Guard passenger aircraft. Instead of identifying
the plane by its five-digit tail number, its pilot radioed,
"Selfridge Approach, this is Pig Sty One." As we were taught to
refer to aircraft by whatever call sign the pilot used, the
controller thereafter called the craft "Pig Sty One." Just after
touching down, the pilot contacted the tower. "Selfridge," he
said, "our call sign is not 'Pig Sty One.' It is 'Big Sky One,'
and we have the governor of Montana on board!"
~Wanda D.
A guest at dinner noticed the small family dog looking hungrily at
every bite she took. Finally she took a small piece of meat from
her plate and held it up for him. "Speak!" she said to the
dog. The dog answered, "Under the circumstances, I hardly
know what to say!"
My husband was delighted when our 3-year-old daughter climbed up
onto his knee and said, "Daddy, you're handsome." But his grin
quickly faded when she added, "and I'm Gretel."
Monday, July 31, 2006
There was nothing too exciting this weekend. Son #1 came home from
summer camp Saturday afternoon. They went up to Jackson Hole and
rafted down the river several times. He didn’t say too much about
it, other than he had a lot of fun. On Sunday, his leader said,
“Oh, did son #1 tell you about the grizzly bear we saw in our
camp?” Um, no.
Guess some things aren’t as impressive to a young teen.
Tonight for family night we played the game “Conga”. On one of our
brain tumor message boards, a lady said one company had given her
“way too much stuff” and wanted to give away some of it. So she
sent the game Conga to us.

Conga is a guessing game. You draw a card and come up with a word
or number. (IE: How many times a day do you laugh?) All of the
others try to guess the word or number before the timer goes off.
There are 4 different ways of letting others know what word you’ve
chosen. If it’s a number, you tell them higher or lower after each
guess. If you write down a word, depending on the card you draw,
you give the first letter of the word, act out the word, or create
the object with play-dough.
Son #4 and my sweet wife were on a team together. The question on
their card was, “What is something you’re glad you don’t have to
eat.” They had to sculpt it out with clay. Son #4 whispered
something into my sweet wife’s ear, and she said, “What??” he said
it again, and she said, “Ok... I guess...”
My sweet wife started rolling out small pickle sized objects, and
putting them on the table. After several wrong answers were
blurted out, son #1 guessed, “Crap!” my sweet wife raised her
hands and said, “YES! You guessed it, we get points!”
Son #4 looked at her and said, “No mom! I said cra-BUH not crap! I
said I’m glad I don’t have to eat crab!”
Enjoy today’s Jokes!
Reader Comment sections
Hey Marty,
I saw "Pirates" last weekend with my husband, we were previewing
it to see if our 5 year old can see it in the theater (we decided
no). Anyway, I understood what was being said, and got all the
little things my hubby didn't, as he hasn't seen our DVD of the
first movie for some time. Yes, there will be a third movie, it's
being filmed now, from what I understand. We can beat the theater
you went to. We live near a small town, whose movies just
expanded to 7 screens. You pay $4 to get in, kid or adult. They
have the big screens, stadium seating, and the previews are only
for 1 or 2 movies that are coming. Now what's funny to us, the
stadium seating theater has only 5 or 6 rows to it. Up close and
personal to the movie. They pop their own popcorn there too,
where you can see it done.
Jen B. – Ohio
[Wow, do you have your own remote control too?]
Thanks a lot! The next time you're going to spoil the end of a
movie for us, give us a warning first ; ) Anyway, it was still an
awesome movie! Did you stay through all the credits to watch the
final scene?
Justin's favorite sister in AZ
[No, tell me what happens!]
I was an air-traffic controller stationed at Selfridge Air
National Guard Base in Michigan. One morning we picked up a
Montana National Guard passenger aircraft. Instead of identifying
the plane by its five-digit tail number, its pilot radioed,
"Selfridge Approach, this is Pig Sty One." As we were taught to
refer to aircraft by whatever call sign the pilot used, the
controller thereafter called the craft "Pig Sty One." Just after
touching down, the pilot contacted the tower. "Selfridge," he
said, "our call sign is not 'Pig Sty One.' It is 'Big Sky One,'
and we have the governor of Montana on board!"
~Wanda D.
A guest at dinner noticed the small family dog looking hungrily at
every bite she took. Finally she took a small piece of meat from
her plate and held it up for him. "Speak!" she said to the
dog. The dog answered, "Under the circumstances, I hardly
know what to say!"
My husband was delighted when our 3-year-old daughter climbed up
onto his knee and said, "Daddy, you're handsome." But his grin
quickly faded when she added, "and I'm Gretel."
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