11/29 - Road Trip!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Well, if you couldn’t tell, we took a really long road trip. Sorry
I didn’t tell you before we left, but I really couldn’t say, “See
you guys, we’re going on a 2 week long trip.” So, I kept it kind
of low key.
The GPS I bought just days (a day?) before we left, worked
perfectly. We even found a Geocache in California. Oh yeah, that’s
where we went; California. We stayed at my sister-in-law #4’s
house for Thanksgiving. They were such great hosts, and we had an
awesome time! Although it did get kind of loud with 7 kids in the
On the way down we stayed in Vegas and had tickets to the New York
New York arcade. We played video games and laser tag most of the
day. For dinner we decided on a cheep buffet deep inside casino
territory. Two days before we left for our trip, son #4 finally
got his white cane from the school for the blind. So, can you
imagine 2 adults walking through a casino, pulling along 4 boys,
heading to the buffet, and the youngest kid with a white blind
cane? It was like a powerful eyeball magnet jerking people’s heads
around to stare. People were tapping each other on the shoulder
whispering, “Hey, look at that kid!” It felt pretty weird to be
stared at so much, but by the end of the trip I didn’t even
In California we spent time at Lego Land, Six Flags Magic
Mountain, and a place called Mountasia. (The go-karts were really
fun!). We had an awesome Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, and the
next day my #1 mom treated all of her kids and their family to a 3
day cruise to Ensanada Mexico. Boy, it was really cool.
I’ll have to tell you more about it tomorrow. It’s late, and I’ve
got to be to work early.
So, no jokes tonight, just some pictures on the website.

Tweety Bird's bird cage ride at 6 flags. Son #4 and his new friend
were bouncing up and down the whole ride. When it was done, son #4's
friend puked ALL over. (missing #4) but it kept coming even after
he left the ride and was on the path. Yum...

Camera Wars - Son #3 and Dad

Mariachi band in Ensanada Mexico

#2 and #3 getting ready for Captain's night on the cruise

The whole gang before dinner

Son #3's first experience with lobster. (He didn't like it)

#1, "I'm too sexy for my fries."

#4 Goofing around on casual dinner night

It rained the day we left. So sad...
Enjoy today’s Pictures!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Well, if you couldn’t tell, we took a really long road trip. Sorry
I didn’t tell you before we left, but I really couldn’t say, “See
you guys, we’re going on a 2 week long trip.” So, I kept it kind
of low key.
The GPS I bought just days (a day?) before we left, worked
perfectly. We even found a Geocache in California. Oh yeah, that’s
where we went; California. We stayed at my sister-in-law #4’s
house for Thanksgiving. They were such great hosts, and we had an
awesome time! Although it did get kind of loud with 7 kids in the
On the way down we stayed in Vegas and had tickets to the New York
New York arcade. We played video games and laser tag most of the
day. For dinner we decided on a cheep buffet deep inside casino
territory. Two days before we left for our trip, son #4 finally
got his white cane from the school for the blind. So, can you
imagine 2 adults walking through a casino, pulling along 4 boys,
heading to the buffet, and the youngest kid with a white blind
cane? It was like a powerful eyeball magnet jerking people’s heads
around to stare. People were tapping each other on the shoulder
whispering, “Hey, look at that kid!” It felt pretty weird to be
stared at so much, but by the end of the trip I didn’t even
In California we spent time at Lego Land, Six Flags Magic
Mountain, and a place called Mountasia. (The go-karts were really
fun!). We had an awesome Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, and the
next day my #1 mom treated all of her kids and their family to a 3
day cruise to Ensanada Mexico. Boy, it was really cool.
I’ll have to tell you more about it tomorrow. It’s late, and I’ve
got to be to work early.
So, no jokes tonight, just some pictures on the website.

Tweety Bird's bird cage ride at 6 flags. Son #4 and his new friend
were bouncing up and down the whole ride. When it was done, son #4's
friend puked ALL over. (missing #4) but it kept coming even after
he left the ride and was on the path. Yum...

Camera Wars - Son #3 and Dad

Mariachi band in Ensanada Mexico

#2 and #3 getting ready for Captain's night on the cruise

The whole gang before dinner

Son #3's first experience with lobster. (He didn't like it)

#1, "I'm too sexy for my fries."

#4 Goofing around on casual dinner night

It rained the day we left. So sad...
Enjoy today’s Pictures!
At 9:18 AM,
Kathy said…
Tell us the next time you're down San Diego way. We would have met you at Legoland.
My boys love the Mindstorm robots, the Lego racecars, and the bumper boats when they're not crowded, we each get our own boat and race each other.
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